
Installing your node manager (PCLI)

On Linux

Step 1: Installing

  1. Identify a folder in which to install pNetwork Node Command Line Interface.
    1. ⚠️
      Consider that this folder must be kept, if you move or delete the folder you will need to run the installation again.
  1. On Terminal, navigate to the folder [1] and run the following command to download the latest version of pNetwork Node Command Line Interface
    1. wget https://github.com/provable-things/pnetwork-node-cli/archive/master.zip
  1. Once downloaded, extract the zip file by running this command. [2]
    1. unzip master.zip
      If you get the error "Command 'unzip' not found", you'll need to install the unzip tool by running the following command. Then retry the unzip on step 3.
      sudo apt install unzip
  1. From the terminal, navigate to the path of the extracted folder and run the following command
    1. cd pnetwork-node-cli-master source install.sh
A few minutes later, the pNetwork Node Command Line Interface will be ready to use and you can proceed with the node provisioning On Linux

On macOS

Step 1: Installing

  1. Identify a folder in which to install pNetwork Node Command Line Interface.
    1. ⚠️
      Consider that this folder must be kept, if you move or delete the folder you will need to run the installation again.
  1. On Terminal, navigate to the folder [1] and run the following command to download the latest version of pNetwork Node Command Line Interface
    1. wget https://github.com/provable-things/pnetwork-node-cli/archive/master.zip
  1. Once downloaded, extract the zip file by running this command. [2]
    1. unzip master.zip
      If you get the error "Command 'unzip' not found", you'll need to install the unzip tool by running the following command. Then retry the unzip on step 3.
      sudo apt install unzip
  1. From the terminal, navigate to the path of the extracted folder and run the following command
    1. cd pnetwork-node-cli-master source install.sh
A few minutes later, the pNetwork Node Command Line Interface will be ready to use and you can proceed with the node provisioning on MacOS

On Windows

Step 1: Setup Ubuntu for Windows

  1. From Start Menu, find Windows Power Shell. Right-click and select “Run as administrator
  1. Run this command to enable Windows Subsistem Linux:
    1. dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
  1. Run this command to enable Virtual Machine feature:
    1. dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
  1. Reboot Windows
  1. Once rebooted, download and run Linux kernel update from this link
  1. Open the following link Get Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store, and click "Get"
  1. Once Microsoft Store is open, select "Install" to proceed with the installation of Ubuntu for Windows 10
  1. Launch Ubuntu app, the application will ask you to create a new user. More specific information at the following link Create a user account and password for your new Linux distribution
Now the Ubuntu terminal environment is ready and we can proceed with the installation of pNetwork Node Command Line Interface

Step 2: Installing

  1. Identify a folder in which to install pNetwork Node Command Line Interface.
    1. ⚠️
      Consider that this folder must be kept, if you move or delete the folder you will need to run the installation again.
  1. On Ubuntu terminal enviroment, navigate to the folder [1] and run the following command to download the latest version of pNetwork Node Command Line Interface
    1. wget https://github.com/provable-things/pnetwork-node-cli/archive/master.zip
  1. Once downloaded, extract the zip file by running this command. [2]
    1. unzip master.zip
      If you get the error "Command 'unzip' not found", you'll need to install the unzip tool by running the following command. Then retry the unzip on step 3.
      sudo apt install unzip
  1. Run the following command to start the installation
    1. source pnetwork-node-cli-master/install.sh
A few minutes later, the pNetwork Node Command Line Interface will be ready to use and you can proceed with the node provisioning on Windows.

  1. Cd command in Linux (Change directory)
  1. How to Unzip Files in Linux