
pTokens integration

Integrate using the official pTokens JS to provide native BTC, ETH (and other assets) support to your decentralized app. This is a Javascript module for integrating with pTokens.


Initiate your Javascript/Typescript project and install it as a dependency:
$ npm i ptokens


The full documentation can be found here


This is a working example where pBTC on Ethereum tokens are pegged-out to pBTC on Algorand.
const { ChainId, pTokensSwapBuilder, pTokensEvmAssetBuilder, pTokensNode, pTokensNodeProvider, pTokensEvmProvider, pTokensAlgorandAssetBuilder, } = require('ptokens') const PNETWORK_NODE = 'https://pnetwork-node-2a.eu.ngrok.io/v3' const EVM_PROVIDER = 'evm-provider-url' const PRIVATE_KEY = 'private-key' const ALGORAND_DESTINATION_ADDRESS = 'destination-address' async function pegOut() { // create a pTokensNodeProvider and pTokensNode to interact with pNetwork const provider = new pTokensNodeProvider(PNETWORK_NODE) const node = new pTokensNode(provider) // create builders const evmBuilder = new pTokensEvmAssetBuilder(node) const algorandBuilder = new pTokensAlgorandAssetBuilder(node) const swapBuilder = new pTokensSwapBuilder(node) // create an EVM provider const evmProvider = new pTokensEvmProvider(EVM_PROVIDER) evmProvider.setPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY) // create a UTXO asset for BTC evmBuilder.setBlockchain(ChainId.EthereumMainnet) evmBuilder.setProvider(evmProvider) evmBuilder.setSymbol('pbtc') evmBuilder.setDecimals(18) const evmAsset = await evmBuilder.build() // create an Algorand asset for pBTC on Algorand Mainnet algorandBuilder.setBlockchain(ChainId.AlgorandMainnet) algorandBuilder.setProvider(evmProvider) algorandBuilder.setSymbol('pbtc') const algorandAsset = await evmBuilder.build() // build the swap swapBuilder.setSourceAsset(evmAsset) swapBuilder.addDestinationAsset(algorandAsset, ALGORAND_DESTINATION_ADDRESS) swapBuilder.setAmount(0.000001 * 10 ** 18) const swap = swapBuilder.build() try { // execute the swap and listen to events await swap .execute() .on('inputTxBroadcasted', (_) => console.info('inputTxBroadcasted', _)) .on('inputTxConfirmed', (_) => console.info('inputTxConfirmed', _)) .on('inputTxDetected', (_) => console.info('inputTxDetected', _)) .on('outputTxDetected', (_) => console.info('outputTxDetected', _)) .on('outputTxBroadcasted', (_) => console.info('outputTxBroadcasted', _)) .on('outputTxConfirmed', (_) => console.info('outputTxConfirmed', _)) } catch (err) { console.info('err', err) } } void pegOut()
Complete examples are available at examples.


If you wish to contribute, please open a new Pull Request.
Technically speaking, this is a monorepo containing multiple packages. These are managed using lerna. Typescript source code is transpiled and bundled using Rollup.

Development mode

Rollup has the following option available
  • w, --watch Watch files in bundle and rebuild on changes
Every package has a dedicated dev script that runs rollup with the watch option.
These scripts can be run in parallel by executing the following command from the project root directory:
$ npm run dev
In this way, a developer can make adjustments to the codebase and test it on the fly, without the need to build the affected packages.
Tip: leave the command running on a separate shell.


To build a new version of the library, run:
$ npm run build


To run tests in Node.js, run:
$ npm test

Generating Documentation

To generate the documentation website, run:
$ npm run docs
The static website will be located in the docs/ directory.